7325 |
Occasion: Any |
Total servings: 4-5 |
Cuisine: Pakistani |
Calories: |
Effort: Easy |
Pre-Prep time: |
Best for: All |
Preperation time: 10 min |
How to serve: Cold |
Pine Apple Supreme recipe by Asma at PakiRecipes.com.
A delicious combo of pineapple, jelly and cream.
First of all make the jelly and put it in the freezer.
When it is chilled then take the pine apple slices and jelly(prepared)into blender and blend for one min.
Now after this add the cream.
Mix it well and put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Serve chilled.

Link to this recipe: http://www.pakirecipes.com/recipe/Pine-Apple-Supreme