18501 |
Occasion: Any |
Total servings: 8 |
Cuisine: American |
Calories: |
Effort: Easy |
Pre-Prep time: |
Best for: All |
Preperation time: 1 hour 15 minute plus proving and cooling time |
How to serve: Hot |
Doughnuts recipe by Fiza at PakiRecipes.com.
Popular teatime bread in many countries and prepared in various forms as a sweet (or occasionally savory) snack
For the doughnuts
240 gm flour
a pinch of salt
15 gm fresh yeast
10 ml warmed milk1 tblsp 1 1tblsp tepid water
45 gm caster sugar
45 gm softened butter
1 egg,beaten
Oil for deep frying
For the chocolate frosting
3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
3 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Chocolate frosting:
In a double boiler over hot, but not boiling water, combine chocolate chips, butter and corn syrup. Stir until chips are melted and mixture is smooth, then add vanilla.
Spread warm glaze over top of doughnuts, letting it drizzle down the sides.
To prepare the doughnuts:
Seive the flour and salt together.
Dissolove the yeast in the milk and water.
Put 150gm flour and a tblsp of caster sugar in a bowl and add the dissoloved yeast to it.
Mix to a smooth paste and leave to rise for 20 minutes.
When the dough has risen, start incoroperating small pieces of dough by hand till all of it has been used up.
Then plop the dough upside down onto the surface.
Then flour the top and roll out the dough to between a 1/4 and 1/2 inch thickness, lightly flouring as you go along if the pin starts to stick.
Cut a larger rounds using a 1 to 1.5-inch cutter.
Heat oil in pan and deep fry the doughnut holes until golden.
Place it on the stack of paper towels. Count to five, then flip it over onto a clean part of the paper towels.
Then, after the doughnuts have been drained, drop them one by one into the chocolate glaze.
Let them sit on a cooling rack for a little bit. The glaze will drip down and start to set a bit, and the doughnuts will just get more delicious by the second.

Link to this recipe: http://www.pakirecipes.com/recipe/Doughnuts