Dhai Baray recipe by Mariam at PakiRecipes.com.
Dahi Bara is a favourite street-food in Pakistan. Dara Bara is urad dal fritters in spicy yogurt
gravy. You can't escape from the aroma if its on ur kitchen table.Very enticing, I should say!
2 cups dal maash dhuli (white) (Presoaked for 4-5 hours)
Pinch of baking soda.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
Pinch of heeng.
Grind the presoaked dal into a paste and add rest of the spices.
Mix well and leave for 30 minutes.
Then in a frying pan add 1 tbs. of oil and with the help of a spoon drop into the pan flat
rounded patties and shallow fry till light brown.
Meanwhile heat oil for deep frying and then deep fry.
When golden brown remove and cool.
When serving, soak in a bowl of water and when a little soft squeeze out the water between
palms and add to prepared yogurt.
YOGURT: Beat the yogurt adding a little water to a paste.
Add salt, red chili powder and 1/2 tsp. zeera powder.
Garnish with sweet Imli Chutney and Chat Masala.