22692 |
Occasion: Any |
Total servings: 8 servings |
Cuisine: Pakistani |
Calories: |
Effort: Easy |
Pre-Prep time: |
Best for: All |
Preperation time: 30-40 min |
How to serve: Hot |
Kashmiri Chai Icemilk recipe by Dawn Marie Martinali at PakiRecipes.com.
Chai prepared by green tea with a required amount of milk. Best served when garnished with nuts.
1 1/2 litre whole milk
2 cans sweetened evaporated milk
Sugar according to taste
1/4 cup powdered confectionary sugar
2 tsp. vanilla essence
Kashmiri Chai Qawa mix:
1 tsp. powdered green cardomoms/5 green cardomoms, bruised
4 T. loose leaves green tea
Handful finely chopped pistachios
Handful finely slivered dry coconut peices
First, boil the whole and evaporated milk together, then lower the heat to medium and add the vanilla essence, keep stirring. When the milk has reduced to half its volume, add the sugars and lower the heat to lowest flame, stirring from time to time so as not to allow the milk to burn.
Meanwhile, make the Qawva:
Boil the tea leaves, cardomom powder or cardomom pods, half the pistachio and coconut peices all together. Let boil on medium for 5 minutes at least; then remove from heat and strain tea from ingredients. Immediately add the strained tea to the boiled milk, turn off the milk mixture, stir all together, add remaining nuts and allow to cool. Then empty milk into any plastic or metallic freezer container, freeze until half set(12 hours), take out and beat quickly a few times, then empty into kulfi containers or icecream bowls and refreeze until completely set. A lighter desset then kulfi, and tastey and exotic!
Note: you can add a few drops of red food colour so the tea looks more pink!

Link to this recipe: http://www.pakirecipes.com/recipe/Kashmiri-Chai-Icemilk